
XtoCC (also called Project X₂7) allows you to take your Final Cut Pro event clips and/or project(s) directly to Adobe Premiere Pro CC or CS6, Adobe Audition CC, Adobe After Effects CC, Final Cut Pro 6, Final Cut Pro 7, or other Final Cut Pro 7 XML-based workflow tools.

Quick-start Guide

  1. In Final Cut Pro select the event(s) or project(s) you want to translate (Final Cut Pro 10.1.1 or earlier allows you to select only a single event or project). If you have Final Cut Pro and your destination app installed on different Macs or partitions, make sure all media are on an external storage device.
  2. Choose the File menu and select Export XML…, and name and save the .fcpxml file. If Final Cut Pro and your destination app are installed on different Macs or partitions, save the .fcpxml file to the external storage device.
    Media must be fully imported before exporting XML. You can view the import progress in the Background Tasks window.
  3. To translate the XML, either:
  1. XtoCC displays a progress bar during XML translation and, when completed, asks you to name and save the new XML file. 

For help with activating Project X₂7 or moving it to another computer, see this help page.

Please use Email Support under the Help menu for bug reports, feature requests or support. If you need to email an XML file, please zip the file and email it with a brief description of what happened.

Before exporting XML for XtoCC translation

It is strongly recommended that the media files are online (no “files missing” warnings in your Properties panel in the Inspector) and have identical media file paths (drive names, folder structures and file names). If working between two Macs, you may need to consolidate media to an external drive and reconnect any unconnected media before exporting XML. To avoid this issue Premiere Pro CC and Final Cut Pro may be installed on the same Mac.

If creating XML for a Windows computer, you will need to locate missing media after XML import because the description of file paths are different than on a Mac.

Compound clips are translated as nested sequences. However, the destination app importing Final Cut Pro 7 XML may not necessarily support nested sequences, such as Adobe Audition and After Effects. You can avoid this by breaking apart compound clips in a project into their original items. The easiest way to locate your compound clips is using the Timeline Index. In Final Cut Pro select multiple compound clips and choose Clip > Break Apart Clip Items before exporting the project XML from Final Cut Pro. 

Starting with version 10.1.2, Final Cut Pro allows you to select an entire Library, one or more events, or one or more projects to be included in the exported XML. Whatever items are in the XML will be translated by XtoCC; the more items that are included, the larger the exported file will be and the longer it will take to translate. At the bottom of the Export XML dialog (above the Metadata View popup menu) the Source heading tells you what items will be included in the exported XML.

Workflow Options

Creating XML for Premiere Pro CC (Mac or Windows)

Premiere Pro automatically creates bin clips for any clips in an imported sequence. If you are translating projects into sequences for Premiere Pro, you may prefer to select one or more projects and have no event clips selected before exporting XML. XtoCC will translate the project(s) into sequence(s), and Premiere Pro will make the necessary clips on XML import. Search for “sequence” in the project panel to filter down to the sequences that were imported.

If you want to transfer only the keyworded clips in an event, select only the event containing the keyworded clips before exporting XML. 

In Premiere Pro choose File > Import… to import the translated XML file. Premiere Pro may show a notice about the Translation Report: this report is added to the project and describes any translation issues while importing. On Windows you will need to locate missing media because the file paths are different than on a Mac.

If you’re translating a single project containing captions, XtoCC will save out a matching SRT file which can be imported into Premiere Pro and dragged into the sequence above the highest video track.

Creating XML for Audition CC (Mac or Windows)

In Final Cut Pro first break apart compound clips — see Before exporting XML for XtoCC translation for details. Select a single project before exporting XML (so it will  translate into a single Sequence). 

In XtoCC choose to save only audio roles. You can use the Audio Roles checkboxes to control the roles that will be transferred to Audition. For example, you may have temp music tagged with a Temp role in your timeline and don’t want it included in the Audition project.

For more control you can choose to include Enabled clips and components only and Audio volume levels and keyframes.

In Audition choose File > Import… to import the translated XML file. If you get an Interchange file does not contain any tracks error then you have exported compound clips or multiple projects from Final Cut Pro.

Audition interprets stereo clips as dual mono. To work around this issue, import the XML into Premiere Pro, then open the sequence and choose Edit > Edit in Adobe Audition > Sequence… to send the Premiere Pro sequence to Audition.

Creating XML for After Effects CC (Mac or Windows)

Note: After Effects version 17.0.5 or later does not import translated XML, but instead can import Premiere Pro projects directly — see https://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/user-guide.html/after-effects/using/importing-effects-premiere-pro.ug.html for details.

In Final Cut Pro, first break apart compound clips — see Before exporting XML for XtoCC translation for details. Select a single project before exporting XML (so it will translate into a single Sequence). 

In XtoCC choose to save both video and audio roles. You may wish to use the Video Roles checkboxes to control which clips are sent to After Effects. For example, you might have assigned a VFX role to the clips you want to work with in After Effects. By selecting only the VFX role checkbox, you will simplify your After Effects Composition to only the clips tagged with the VFX role.

For more control you can choose to include Enabled clips and components only.

In After Effects choose File > Import > Pro Import After Effects… to import the translated XML file. If you get a No sequence found in XML to import error then you have exported more than a single project from Final Cut Pro.

Creating XML for Final Cut Pro 7

In Final Cut Pro 7 you cannot nest sequences with different editing timebases. If you have compound clips with frame rates different from the project’s frame rate, the translated nested sequences will be ignored by Final Cut Pro 7 during import. If in doubt, the safe option is to break apart compound clips before exporting XML — see Before exporting XML for XtoCC translation for details.

Final Cut Pro 7 supports a maximum of 99 audio tracks. You may prevent exceeding this limit by changing the Preference to Minimum number of Tracks.

If you want to transfer only the keyworded clips in an event, select only the event containing the keyworded clips before exporting XML. 

In Final Cut Pro 6 or 7, choose File > Import > XML… to import the translated XML file.

What translates?

Here’s a list of what happens during translation.

What loses something in translation?

What doesn’t get translated?

The translation from Final Cut Pro to Final Cut Pro 7 isn’t perfect. Here’s a list of what gets “lost in translation.”

Known Issues