

For bug reports, feature requests or support, please use Provide Feedback… under the application’s menu.

If you need to email an XML file, please zip the file and send it to info@intelligentassistance.com with a brief description of what happened.

(The XML file exported to start a translation is what we need.)

Please Note: We’re a small company of two people, who want to make great software and support it as well as we can, but we have to be realistic. With tens of thousands of customers we can’t honestly promise individual support for $10 – or even $50 – apps, and I doubt you reasonably expect it. We do examine every XML file sent to us, and problems encountered are fixed in the next available release.


Recover your order details:

Since July 2019 we’ve used SendOwl as our shopping cart software. If you’ve purchased software using SendOwl, you can have your order email (with download link and license key) resent to your email address.


If your email address has changed, or you have an older order, we can recover it by searching for the order email. Please email us for support: info@IntelligentAssistance.com